Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week 3: Black & White

This weeks theme for Project 52 is Black & White.

I love the feel a black & white photo portrays. It can make you feel emotion, give you a sense of time, define the contrast of a many things.

For this week, I chose a photo that I took yesterday. When I look at this photo it makes me sad. I imagine what it must have been like to walk through the backyard,then maybe through a fence, and into the barn. Possibly to get food for the animals or a tractor to plow the land. I get sad because it seems that most people have forgotten about this piece of land and what it meant to someone. It was once a lovely spot where a two story farmhouse stood. It will soon be torn down and more than likely a gas station or bank will be built in its place.

When you look at this photo, try to imagine what it was like when this farm was at it's prime.....
