Wednesday, September 24, 2008

New Proofing Site!!

I am so excited to offer online proofing!
This will allow for easy ordering and sharing with family members.

You will have the option of creating your own username and password for easy remembering, or I will be happy to assign one for you.

The site is easily accessed from the main page of
This is a preview of what the login page will look like.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Summer & Jason

I can't wait to post the rest of these!!! But for now is a preview....

Elizabeth & Jeff

More coming soon......!!!!!

Tiffany & Chris

Here is a sneak peek.....

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Myrtle Beach

My family and I went to Myrtle Beach last week. We had a great time....even though the storm was headed our way! One good thing about family vacations is that I don't have to take pictures...but I always end up doing it anyway. Here are just a few of the ones I took while we were there.

I know this last photo is reeeeeally bad, but it's not my fault....

I wanted to go on the beach during the storm and my sister said she would go with me. Getting down to the beach was the worst part. It was sooooooooo windy between the buildings. I kept visualizing a palm tree breaking and flying at me! Once we got down to the beach it was still windy (see our hair), but it wasn't as bad as near the least we could stand up and our shirts didn't fly up! The water was really high and we weren't the only ones on the beach (notice the guy holding up his beer in the left corner of the photo??). Since it was raining and the lens had rain drops on it, my camera wouldn't focus. I had to turn it on manual focus and I didn't have time to reshoot. This is what I ended up with!!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Fun on the Beach!!!

Belinda & Chris